for parents

An Emotion “Gym” for You and Your Child

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An Emotion “Gym” for You and Your Child

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Does your child struggle in social situations? Is it hard for her to interpret the emotions and actions of the people around her and respond to them appropriately? Does he have trouble explaining his own emotions?

EmotiPlay makes emotional learning easier with a comprehensive, research-based learning tool designed specifically for kids with autism. Supported by robust research and endorsed by leading autism experts, EmotiPlay gives kids the tools they need to thrive. Research has shown that systematic use with the support of an adult mediator can result in significant improvement in a child’s emotion recognition and socialization.


The Benefits

Kids love computer games-your child will want to learn about emotion
The rule-based, predictable system is a perfect fit for children with autism
Choose from hundreds of examples, games, quizzes and role-plays that you and your child can do together
Access on computers, tablets, and even smartphones, anytime and anywhere
Your child can progress at his or her own pace and develop individual strengths

How it works

The teacher or therapist who manages your child’s EmotiPlay account will give you unique login credentials for the platform, or alternatively you can purchase a direct subscription. Once you’re registered, you can login from any device to access hands-on activities you can do with your child.
The platform is easy to use and self-explanatory, but if you feel that you need more guidance, you’re welcome to download our e-books, where we explain how EmotiPlay works and how you and your child can make the most of what the platform has to offer.
Then all that’s left to do is to start playing!

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Parents_how it works

Why it’s important

The common denominator among people with autism, no matter where they are on the spectrum, is that they have difficulty identifying emotions and interpreting social cues. They generally don’t understand how to interpret facial expressions, tone of voice, and gestures that other people understand intuitively. They struggle to integrate the information from those three channels and put it in context. This impacts how people with autism perceive relationships and social situations and creates a barrier with society. The disconnect can impact every element of their lives including education, employment, housing, healthcare, and even their interactions with law enforcement. EmotiPlay can help kids improve their emotion recognition skills and give them important tools for the future. 

The research

European Union reviewed EmotiPlay under the auspices of ASC-Inclusion, a large-scale study to investigate how technology can improve the inclusion of children with autism. The ASC-Inclusion study of EmotiPlay, conducted in partnership with Cambridge University in the UK, Karolinska Institute in Sweden, and Bar-Ilan University in Israel, demonstrated improvement in all modalities after 8-12 weeks of intervention.

The platform shows significant potential in addressing the needs of children with autism and helping them overcome emotional recognition difficulties.

Research backed by:

Autism Europe

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